• Hope for FIP

    We provide your Neko with the most reliable and efficient FIP treatment

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  • Save Our FIP Cats

    We bring love and hope for families. Treat your Neko with our FIP treatment today!

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    Program kami bersama Kitafund untuk membantu cat parents dengan lebih mudah

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal disease suffered by cats and kittens. FIP occurs in a very small proportion of cats population and is caused by a common virus called Feline Coronavirus (FCOV).
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  • Effusive (wet) FIP

    The most distinctive clinical sign of effusive FIP is the accumulation of fluid within the abdomen or chest, which can cause breathing difficulties. Other symptoms include lack of appetite, fever, weight loss, jaundice and diarrhoea.
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  • Non-effusive (dry) FIP

    Dry FIP presents with lack of appetite, fever, jaundice, diarrhoea, and sudden weight loss. Cats with dry FIP are at higher risk of developing ocular or neurological signs.
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  • KiseNeko vs other brands (BasmiFIP, Oscar, NuLife, etc.)

    Many vets and cat owners ask about the difference between our brand (Kiseneko) and others such as BasmiFIP, Oscar or Nulife. We wrote this post to address the question, and so that you can be informed about the similarities and differences.
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  • GS441524 yang berbeza

    Ramai cat parent yang tak pasti apakah GS-441524 ni, dan ada juga yang dah mengenai sebabnya pernah gunakan. Di sini kita cuba terangkan jugak apakah GS-441524 ni dan apa beza antara lain-lain nama brand ni.
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  • Bertukar-tukar jenama, boleh ke?

    Ramai juga yang kami perasan akan bertanyakan "ok ke tukar2 brand GS ni?" Jawapannya agak senang, "boleh" dan "ok", cuma apa yang perlu diperhatikan ialah concentration report yang diberikan oleh mereka yang menyediakan GS ni.
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