GS441524 yang berbeza Aug 24, 23 Kiseneko Team Ramai cat parent yang tak sure apakah GS-441524 ni..dan ada juga yang dah mengenai sebabnya pernah gunakan.. sini kita cuba terangkan jugak apakah GS-441524 ni dan ada beza antara lain-lain...
KiseNeko vs other brands (BasmiFIP, Oscar, NuLife, etc.) Feb 09, 23 Kiseneko Team We have received messages from many vets and cat owners asking about the difference between our brand (Kiseneko) and others such as BasmiFIP, Oscar or Nulife. We wrote this post...
Can we change GS441524 brands for FIP treatment? Feb 08, 23 Kiseneko Team We have received many inquiries regarding the different brands of FIP treatment and asked if they can change the brand for their cat’s treatment from one brand to another. In...
Bertukar-tukar jenama, boleh ke? Feb 08, 23 Kiseneko Team Ramai juga yang kami perasan akan bertanyakan... "ok ke tukar2 brand ni?" Jawapannya agak senang, "boleh" dan "ok".. cuma apa yang perlu diperhatikan ialah concnetration report yang diberikan oleh mereka...
Supportive Care for FIP Cats Jan 05, 23 Kiseneko Team HospitalisationYour vet may decide that your cat needs to be hospitalised for intensive care. That includes IV drip (intravenously drip), subcuntaneous fluids or oxygen chamber.Wet FIP FluidIt is highly recommended...
Does GS441524 FIP Treatment Have Side Effects? Dec 23, 22 KiseNeko Team Skin Sores, Lumps, Abscesses This is the most commonly seen side effect with GS likely due to the low pH. Sores These can look quite ugly but generally heal well...
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Dec 14, 22 Kiseneko Team What is Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)?Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal viral disease caused by a strain of virus know as Feline Coronavirus (FCoV). FCoV infection is a common...